OSM PSL Routine
The OSM PSL routine is an integral safety procedure for all learner motorcycle riders to master and use when necessary.
What Does OSM PSL Mean?
The OSM PSL meaning is a follows:
- Observation
- Signal
- Manoeuvre
- Position
- Speed
- Look
When Should the OSM PSL Routine be Used?
OSM PSL can be used in a variety of situations and can be adapted to specific circumstances. Generally the routine should be applied to situations where there’s an impending hazard such as a junction (junctions also include roundabouts and crossroads) or other hazards such as traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. This routine can be used for almost all hazards and adapted for particular situations.
Why should the OSM PSL Routine be Used?
The OSM PSL routine is also referred to as a ‘system’. Systems such as this are used simply because they are easy to remember and follow. The routine is carried out before a hazard as a method in keeping the motorcycle rider, other road users and pedestrians as safe as possible by ensuring the motorcyclist is correctly observing their surroundings, is making others aware of their intentions, is correctly positioned and is traveling at the correct speed.
How does the OSM PSL Routine Work?
As previously mentioned, the routine works for many situations. As a motorcycle rider, you’ll find yourself dealing with junctions on many occasions, so for this reason, we shall provide an example on how OSM PSL works by emerging left at a T-junction.
The OSM PSL Routine
This guide explains what the OSM PSL routine is and how to carry it out while riding a motorcycle.

Observation: Look into your mirrors and check for traffic that is following you. You’re looking to assess where they are so that it is safe for you to change speed and / or direction. If you are not entirely sure of what’s around you, perform a should check to observe any blind spots not seen in your mirrors. In this case, a left should check as we are moving over to the left to emerge from the junction.
Signal: Signal your intentions in good time so that it provides other road users with time to react.
Manoeuvre: Carry out the manoeuvre. The manoeuvre is the PSL part of the OSM PSL routine.
Position: Get into the appropriate position for the direction you intend on taking. In this case, keep to the left.
Speed: Always slow down in good time when approaching a hazard and avoid leaving it too late. As this is a junction, slow down and prepare to stop. The give way road marking indicates this is a minor road. Traffic on a minor road must give way to traffic on a major road.
Look: Look in all directions from the earliest point possible and if necessary stop. You must plan and anticipate pedestrians crossing the road, cyclists and other motorcyclists who may come along side you. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly difficult to see at junctions as they are harder to see. Don’t forget to keep a check in your mirrors to assess how vehicles are reacting to your manoeuvre.